
GoldenKey Premium Real Estate reprezinta unul din cele mai inalte standarde de calitate si integritate in tranzactionarea si managementul proprietatii. Reputatia noastra pentru profesionalismul fara compromisuri este castigata zi de zi in slujba clientilor, castigandu-le increderea si aprecierea.

GoldenKey a fost infiintata in 2005 ca agentie imobiliara. De atunci, GoldenKey a crescut devenind una din cele mai importante companii imobiliare din zona de nord a Bucurestiului. Astazi este considerata compania de real estate pentru proprietati premium.

In fiecare zi, folosim cunostinte, experienta, informatii si resurse pentru a ajuta clientii sa ia cele mai bune si informate decizii imobiliare.

Suntem devotati profesionalismului si eficientei, tratand cu atentie cerintele individuale ale tuturor clientilor nostri.

Sfaturile noastre

Real estate consultant

GoldenKey is one of the leading real estate companies in the Northern area of the town and Surroundings. We will get the best possible price for your property in the shortest possible time...

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Advices for Buyers

The real estate starts with 3 words: Location, Location, Location. You've certainly heard the phrase enough and may wonder what it means...

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Advices for Sellers

There are actions every home owner should take to help maximize the chances they have to sell their house...

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